Heat exchanger clearing

Posted by on May 3, 2014 in blog | No Comments
Heat exchanger clearing

During the first sail had a bit of an issue with the engine over heating. We thought there might be an issue with either then thermostat or heat exchanger. After some direction from Doug the mechanic at Lake Breeze Marina I was able to pull both. a week later bruce Forbes was visiting the USA and helped me make a PVC tube rig to clean the heat exchanger using diluted Muriatic Acid bath for a minute followed rinsing with lots of water and baking soda. We repeated this process twice.

I ended up changing the thermostat so a slightly lower temperature which should be better in the hot climate where I will be heading.

As it happened the over heating was not caused by either of these but rather a leaking pipe going into the hot water tank. Oh well I just chalk it up to getting to know the engine.


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